Who finances project?

Owner finances project. Secures land etc. All permits will go through owner. We are general contractor. We will guide you through the processes, etc.

What level house do I need for protection against hurricanes?

All 3 levels will protect against Hurricanes.

What level house do I need for protection against tornadoes?

All 3 levels options will protect against tornadoes.

What level home would I need to protect my family from forest fires?

Level 2 and 3 will protect against forest fires.

Do the windows open?

Yes. Windows open, can be equipped with screens that will stop up to a .308 caliber rounds.

Do you perform all construction services?

We contract all services in house and only work with the most ethical and highest qualified contractors in their particular industries threw out the U.S.A

What costs are involved?

Completely based on what level and options owner choose

How long does construction take?

Dependent on permits, etc. and scope of work

What is your payment schedule?

50% down, 50% on completion of process item (i.e. Concrete, plumbing etc.)

Do I need a plan?

You can bring a plan. Or we have architect and engineers on staff.

What are the guarantees?

Will be determined based on project

What other services can you offer me?

We have a wide range of services (like an a la carte system) depending on client’s preferences and ultimately financial flexibility.

Do you offer free estimates?

We have a consultant fee that would be subtracted if you choose to build a sustainable structure through us

Where do you work?

All domestic U.S.A states

What makes you different from other builders?

Our commitment to you and our core values which are based on security, foresight and strength. With that being said, we are not interested in building simple homes for Suzy and Johnny. We specialize in sustainable structures that keep you and your family safe from danger from a variety of environmental and societal threats. We will make sure you and your love ones will survive that next day. This is what makes us different